
Chiropractors are able to treat sciatic pain by eliminating the underlying causes of the problem.

Have you ever felt a shooting pain down the back of the leg when you start to walk or get up from a seated position? This type of shooting pain is often associated with a condition called Sciatica. Sciatica is a term that refers to an irritated or inflamed nerve that starts in the lower back and travels down the back of the leg. This inflammation or irritation is most often caused by a misalignment of the spine called a subluxation, nerve impingement, problems with the vertebral disc, muscle imbalance, and nerve entrapment.

The chiropractor specializes in diagnosing and treating Sciatica. Chiropractic care is able to successfully treat sciatic pain by determining and eliminating the underlying causes of the problem and by minimizing the more obvious symptoms. Oftentimes, Sciatica can be a painful and even debilitating concern, and if not properly treated, it can lead to permanent nerve damage. If you are experiencing sciatic pain or have a sciatic condition, please consult one of our chiropractors to receive a complete examination.
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