At Summit Chiropractic and Massage in Fairbanks, AK, we see chiropractic as a system of health care that is far different than the traditional model of health care. Chiropractic is used to help train your body to help take care of itself, without having to use pharmaceutical drugs or surgery. Chiropractic care is both a safe and natural treatment for pain relief, and is a fantastic way to prevent future problems from occurring and a great way to support the health of your family. We recognize that you are an individual with a unique set of needs. However, chiropractic is a safe and effective for people of all ages. No matter your condition, your activity levels, and your personal or family goals, we promise to treat your family with compassion, skill, and professionalism. We provide an integrated approach to your health care needs. While Chiropractic care is a very important aspect of what we do, it is not the only expertise we provide. We offer a much more comprehensive program that can include exercise programs, lifestyle advice, injury rehabilitation, and massage therapy. We feel that the body has a natural ability to restore itself and the ability to quickly adapt to ever changing conditions. Allow our experienced team of chiropractors and massage therapists help you start to enjoy your life more with less pain and more vitality. If you would like to schedule an appointment or if you simply have more questions, please feel free to contact us.