Massage Therapy

Getting a massage is an excellent way to help alleviate the day to day aches and pains.

Massage Therapy

We have a variety of massage therapists who specialize in different techniques to treat musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction.

Medical Massage Therapy

Medical massage therapy is often covered by private insurances. For your insurance company to cover massage therapy, you must be examined and placed under a massage treatment plan by one of our chiropractors. If your treatment plan expires and you have not fully recovered, you will need to be re-examined and placed under a new treatment plan. You do not need to be treated by the chiropractor, unless you wish to be. Your massage therapist will focus on your areas of complaint in order to decrease your pain and improve your daily function. Medical massage therapy does not include spa or full body massages.

Massage Cancellation Policy

We have a three strike 24 hour massage therapy cancellation policy. We understand that life happens and there are times when it is impossible to make an appointment. You may cancel your massage three times within a two year span with no repercussions. After the third cancellation you will have to call to see if there is a same day massage opening. You will not be able to schedule in advance.

Massage and Illness

We reserve the right to refuse massage services to patients who are ill with a contagious infection that can be spread through physical contact or respiratory droplets. Massage therapy has the potential to make a sick person feel worse. If you are ill, please be considerate to yourself and your massage therapist and cancel your appointment beforehand.